A possible cure for vitiligo ... it worked for me

I am 57 and Caucasian. I contracted vitiligo some 25 years ago, which I assume was a result of exposure to drycleaning chemicals. I was hands-on. Before long I had the skin condition on my hands, fingers, lower arms, toes and private parts.  I noticed it much more in the summer after I tanned, but it was present in all seasons. But it is the most visible in the summer, as I play outside a lot.


Two years ago I went Gluten Free … Apparently, the original tan pigmentation started coming back, but it was so subtle that I just noticed the difference a few months back. The white spots that dotted and covered my skin, especially in summer, have started to disappear—and some has disappeared completely!


I understand that vitiligo is an autoimmune disease, and Gluten speaks to that specifically.


I am willing to talk to anyone and everyone about this discovery, as I do not believe there is any other reason for my recovery after 25 years!


Best, Steve

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  • do rice contain gluten.btw i want to try and go gluten free for two to four weeks.i read the article and found i had all the symptoms like joint pains intestine problem etc.
    • Rice does not contain gluten, but white rice is garbage anyway ... try brown rice. If you are 100% strict about GF for 2-4 weeks you  may see a change in your intestinal problems, but Vitiligo will take a lot longer to remedy. Good  Luck, Steve 

  • The answer to what foods can and cannot be eaten is in my response to Nadika, but just look online under GF for your answers, it's too complicated to say more than I already have on this forum.



  • Steve: Can you please give us an idea as to what food you eat and not-eat to stay gluten free? Thanks! 

    • Nadika, as I said in my post, I believe it worked for me, but I can't be 100% sure. Still, being gluten free (GF) can cure many conditions; headaches, skin conditions, digestive problems, and so much more. However, it is NOT a quick or easy fix, and you're taking a chance that it will work for you, but in my experience nothing else worked. I tried every topical, ultra-violet light ... Nonetheless, the fact is that it can be a hard road, especially if you like to go out to eat! I live in Boulder CO, where we have full GF restaurants and loads of options at supermarkets.

      Visit http://www.huffingtonpost.com/dr-mark-hyman/gluten-what-you-dont-kn... or any other Google site to learn more, but bottom line; No wheat, barley, rye, white flour, pasta, beer and most alcohol ... However, in a GF town, you can get bread, pasta, beer, shrimp, Indian, Italian, etc ALL GF. As you study, do not focus on Celiac Disease, as that's an extreme condition. I will say this, if you go GF to try and cure your vitiligo, you can't go half-assed and you can't "try" it for 2 weeks or 2 months; it's all or nothing until you see a change, and then you should keep going!



      • Thanks Steve for your reply! I will check out the link you gave! I see it is not going to be easy! Thanks again! And I am glad it worked for you! In my case - my new doctor told me to avoid food that has yeast added.   

        • Hey Nadika

          It is good to try but  as I say before ..there is no any proff showing diet can trig vitligo, the problem with some doctors and natural medicians is they tell us diet theories for other autoemune conditions.

          Many ppl has tried to avoid different foods ,some claim it helps them .they don`t know that some times vitiligo can repigment without any treatment and be stable by it self.

          It worth to try as long as it doesn`t couse stress for you...Remember to keep us informed the result.


          • Well let me comment a couple of things about food.

            1) dairy is bad for people with vitiligo.  Hey this does not mean dairy causes vitiligo.  It poisons you, probably changing body pH or something else, do not care.  Dairy is not good.  

            2) I know (not I think I know) "exact" dynamics of vitiligo.  I cannot write any about it (though I think I give very good info since ı became a member, just collect my emails).  I tried, but many started making money.  I made a website to sell the protocol, the company did not accept the protocol. Two months later, I ordered the same protocol.  Company did not accept my protocol, but they made themself a website to sell, by the way, restricted the access to my country, guess for what:-) Anyhow, just ignore what I say above, and remember that food is very important to consider TO STOP it, not to treat it.  

            3) faster metabolic rate is also important, so do exercise.  It helps to remove stress related radicals from your body, also accelerates the healing if started.  

            4) Homeostatis is a MUST and it can only be provided by eating good.  Some people gains homeostatis time to time and they see some repigmenting.  However, there are some stress periods like late spring that your vitiligo seems to get worse, when your homeostatis is broken, off.  

            5) There are lots of physological research on people with vitiligo.  Unfortunately, the main problem  people with vitiligo are not ready for any "objective", they are deep inside lost all hope.

            6) Just have a plan to get rid of this unnoying stuff.  Yes there are people getting rid of after so many years and belive me that is true.   He/she had corrected inside and just needed sunshine to kick it up.  That is all, that was that simple. 

            Good luck,  

          • @ Bamsegutt - Like I said - I am taking medicine from a new doctor since beginning of this month! Doctor's diet is not easy to follow! I will give it a try! And if it helps - I will gladly share the results here!    

      • There is no known evidence which shows vitiligo is conected some how with diet,but it is adviced to avoid if some one is allergic to some diet.

        I personally try all remedies by avoiding nothing help acctually you can creat unnessary stress by piking fodds which creats stress and not good for us.

        The key is to eat varity and moderate and live healty ,that is how I stablize even repigment my vitiligo.

        Avoiding some diet may help some..some ppl claim that it help them  but it doesn`t help all.


        Eat MODERATE AND VARAITY ! varity ! varaity!





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