Main (1723)

Vitiligo pride

Hello guys, Just wondering how everyone feels about their Vitiligo? I've had mine for 14 years now and I've realised recently just how much I love it! I'll still randomly just stare at the patches I have and I find them fascinating, does anyone else

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Halloween Experience

Hello Friends! It was just a very funny Experience recently during Halloween 2016. Since I have a Vitiligo over 25 years and to be honest I have stopped counting days. Because I know it does not make difference to my life now n in future. I am far be

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Michael Jackson and vitiligo

Michael Jackson the king of pop. Michael Jackson and vitiligo.  My half-year-old baby had vitiligo patches. I didn’t know what they were, I thought they are caused by some kind of allergy. Unfortunately, dermatologists made it clear that it was vitil

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A new strategy?


My doctor recently told me to apply a light oil (olive or coconut) to my vitiligo spots before using my home uvb unit. He said it will help reflect the light and absorb more rays. Afterwards, I am to get my shower then apply the Tacrolimus.

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How to manage a UVB-NB hand held

When you buy an UVB-NB hand held (usually with a 9w bulb), you must be aware of:

1- Despite it's a 9 watt bulb, it irradiates only 1.15 miliwatts of UVB-NB, per square centimeter, at 5 cm far (2 inches).

2- So, when you expose the patch for 60 seco

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Segemental Vitiligo

Hi All ,

 My Daughter ( 6 years old )  started getting white patches on one side of body .

 They are on her right hand wrist , Right Hand , Right Chest , Right Neck and Right Eye .

 On the wrist it was a bit more all the other areas are small .


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Happy New Year!

Hi Friends,

I wish you all a Happy New Year full of achievements.

I really hope that this disease will be eradicated soon.

I'm 100% committed to search for a cure or a relief, and let everybody know.   In the meanwhile, I will do the most  I can to

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