Homeopathy For Vitiligo

Edit 3/19/14

I've learned more about homeopathy since joining this forum. It's not easy to find out what the "right way" to practice homeopathy is, since homeopaths have so many differing opinions, but here are the current conclusions I've come to:

- There is no difference in effectiveness for dry doses (pills) or liquid doses. They have the same effect. Choosing which to use depends on patient preference. The key is finding the right remedy for the individual.

- For chronic skin conditions, a daily dose of a remedy at a 6c potency is optimal. These daily doses gradually stimulate the vital force to heal the chronic issue.

- Since I'm using pills now, a single dose is 1 or 2 pills dissolved under the tongue.

- Once improvement is seen, or if symptoms worsen, the dose should be stopped, or lessened.

- If no improvement is seen in 2-3 months, it's not the correct remedy, and another should be used.

- Some remedies may have a higher chance of aggravations, such as Thuja. All remedies should be well researched before using.

- Remedy dose should be adjusted as needed. There is no set dosing standard. It depends on patient response. If the patient feels more sleepy or weak than usual, it may mean the vital force is being over stimulated, and doses should be stopped or lessened.

- An improvement in mood, overall energy, and sleep are signs the remedy is working,

- Combinations of complementary remedies may be more effective than single remedies. 

As always, anyone interested in using homeopathy should research it themselves or consult an experienced homeopath.

ehow: Homeopathic Treatment for Vitiligo


Info About Specific Remedies:



EDIT 5/21/2013

I've learned more about homeopathy since starting this discussion. The following is for informational purposes only. Please read up on homeopathy yourself or see a homeopath if you're interested in using it.

Taking Remedies

- Start treatment using a low potency, (6c) as they are more gentle, and only move on to a higher strength if needed.

- Do not eat, drink, or use very strong scented substances (mint toothpaste, strong cologne, etc.) 15-30 minutes before and after taking remedy.

- Avoid coffee, mint, camphor, menthol and other very strong scented substances as much as possible, as they may antidote remedies. When using a low potency, remedies are antidoted less easily.

- Frequency of dose, sucussions (shakes of the water remedy), remedy amount, and potency should be adjusted as needed, to decrease aggravations or increase effects. There is no set dosing regimen, it depends on patient response. As a general note, lower potencies are taken more often, higher potencies less. 6c = low potency, 30c = medium, 200c = high

- If there’s a clear improvement in symptoms, stop taking remedy, and watch progress. Only redose as needed. Dose frequency should be gradually lessened as the body responds more and more.

- If an aggravation of symptoms occurs after improvement, it may mean the vital force is being overstimulated from the remedy, that too much has been taken or in too high a potency. It is best to stop dosing and let the body respond. Only redose as needed; if there is a relapse or remedy effects are no longer noticed. (Improvement stops) If aggravations last a long time or are very uncomfortable, taking the remedy in a more diluted liquid dose can resolve them.


- Remedy effects may include shifts in mood, general weakness, old symptoms coming back, and symptoms getting worse before getting better.

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  • An Update:

    I'm continuing to get more pigmentation back on areas, most noticeable on my legs. For the last month I was taking Lycopodium 6c and Phosphorus 6c twice daily. Given the response I'm going to stop doses and see how things progress.

    The repigmentation is in random freckled-like blotches, on symmetrical parts of my body.

    I don't believe that homeopathy can fade my skin to white, (fade pigmented spots to white again) as it can only restore the body's natural healthy state. (My brown original skin color) That's fine, as I'll just look freckled all over. (hopefully)

  • I couldn't decide on what remedy to use so I've changed to a combination of 8, covering all of my symptoms, including skin. If I see improvement, I'll be sure to note it here.

  • An excellent article on Homeopathy from the University of Maryland Medical Center:


  • The homeopathy seems to be working. The spots on my back are lighter. I'm only taking the single remedy Graphites 6c, liquid dose. (As of now, once a week, but I might make it less frequent as I don't want to overstimulate the vital force)

  • ummer bhai
    tell me by your experience something that is homeopathy related so that ma homeopathic docter can add to my medications , ma pace of repigmentation is so slow .. for repigmentation only not depigmentation:)

    • Thuja


      I'm not using any herbal medicine, just homeopathy.

      You can look up more information about remedies online, (I'd start with Graphites, Sulphur, Thuja, Silicea) to find out if they match your personality and symptoms. Consulting a homeopath if one is available is also good.

      • Changing my remedies to:

        Calc Fluor 6c and Graphites 6c (alternating every other day)

        and Lycopodium 6x (daily)

        These remedies seem to cover my overall symptoms better.

        • Just going with alternating Lycopodium and Calc Fluor, as taking more than one remedy a day isn't recommended.

          • Make that alternating graphites and calc fluor. I'll try lycopodium or sulphur if graphites has no effect after 1 year.

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