Diet, Vitamins & Treatment. My Blog Starts here

Hello Everyone, I shall be 46 this year and have lived with vitiligo since the age of 22. for me it was hereditary...from my mum. She is now about 74 and her vitiligo has gone apart from a small coin size patch by her mouth. She had no treatment at all.

10 years ago i tried Melagenina plus, but gave up after a short period "about a month". A few months later i noticed re-pigment on my right hand "about 50%" and to this day it remains re-pigmented. This was my only attempt to do anything about Vitiligo until recently. I purchased another bottle online and immediately started applying the ointment once a day, 3 months now. I see no re-pigment at all. But i have just realised i should be using a uv lamp, which i have not done. So here is my conclusion. I shall start from the inside. and update my progress every month.

Firstly I will change my diet, Only to drink water :-( Gluten free porridge for breakfast with raspberries for my sweetener, broken down with water first then a little soya milk.

Lunch: shall be many varieties of salads or homemade soups.....damn this will be hard.

Dinner: meat or fish with vegetables.

My aim is to cut down on gluten, artificial flavourings & colour. Just eat more healthy "no more muffins & coffee". I will also be adding lots of pepper to my lunch & dinner too

I shall start taking vitamins:

B12 slow release. 1000ug 1 a day

Folic Acid. 400ug 1 a day

Zinc. 15mg 1 a day

Vitamin D3. 25ug 1 a day

Ginko Biloba. 125mg 1 a day 

After 1 month i shall book a blood test to see if all is ok, or if i grow a pair of horns prior i will stop immediately.

if all is ok i shall then decide how to treat from the outside.

So my friends, please feel free to contact me, i would appreciate any advice or comments.


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  • I think vitamins are VERY important to repigmentation.
  • Hi Mark, 

    One point, there is no unique way of dieting that works for everybody.  This is important.

    Similarly, there is also no way of excercising, sunbathing that work for everybody. 

    After going through so many  vitis, there is no universal way of supplementing that works everybody. 

    (Unfortunately that is the conclusion I came to after many years of experimenting) 

    Generally I very well know the dynamics of vitiligo, can stop it, but I still have problem with repigmenting in short time.  

    What I mean is that, even if you have enough of supplements, you still need some stimulants yet to see any supplement is making a difference.  Otherwise any repigmentation could be due to random reasons, or a results of a multivariate reasons.  Good luck with your experimenting.   Hope it works for you.

  • Hello Mark,

      Thanks for writing your blog. It's great to hear what others are doing. I would recommend removing dairy from your diet. For me, at least, my skin started to re-pigment with Narrow-Band UVB almost immediately. I have been doing Narrow-Band UVB 3 times a week for 5 years and it is just NOW starting to work. My hands have regained about 50% of the pigment and my legs get better every day. I do limit my gluten, but dairy was a huge one for me. GOOD LUCK!

  • Good luck mark and pls keep on updating

  • andrey how long did you take tyrosine for? i started to take and am seeing no difference:|

    • Hi Teh ben,

      I have been taking tyrosine for a few weeks now....but i have a supply for about 6 months...I shall keep you updated of any change with my vits

      greetings from London :)

      • Still no change. very recently i have drastically changed my diet, lots of green leafy veg, root veg, ect ect in a omega masticating juicer.

        I am feeling much better, but still no change with the vits....although its itching a bit ??

        My Dr is not allowing me to have Protopic..... Im going to see him again soon and will chain myself to his desk in protest :) Do i need a lamp for protopic ? any advice on a lamp would be useful. not much sun here in London. 

        • See if you can purchase a Davlin Narrow Band UVB lamp. That is where I got mine :) Protopic and that lamp will be helpful. Careful on the over exposure of Protopic though. Too much steroids can be a bad thing for the rest of your body.

    • teh ben i started to see my spots shrink the very same week but it was like millimeter a day . For about half a year , but my Viti was new and spots not so big . 

      PS. If you take 500 mg a day double the dose .

  • Guys im the last person to tell this but - you have to absolutely sure that you gonna make it and beat Vitiligo , just no doubt , it will go away and there is no other way about it . 

    I was sure 1000% Tyrosine will help me , from the first pill it was such a relief a total bliss ... and it worked . Viti is now for me like a very evil joke , like i cant believe i had it its now gone and i think wtf whats so big deal about it ...

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